Communication Career - Nonprofit Consultant/Speech Writer

Allison Bernstein, Nonprofit Consultant/Speechwriter. Visit her website at

Allison Bernstein, Nonprofit Consultant/Speechwriter. Visit her website at

Job Description:  Allison Ehrich Bernstein is a nonprofit consultant and writer/editor who works with nonprofits on strategic communications. Her freelance work ranges from writing speeches and editing publications to creating strategic plans and helping clients build capacity. Every project is different and every project helps advance the many causes she cares about.

Education Level: B.A. in Political Science, Brown University

Other Requirements: Allison worked in traditional internships, full-time jobs, and volunteer roles for about a decade before going freelance in 2017.

Professional Development: Allison has volunteered and worked on dozens of political campaigns over the years, including in skilled/professional capacities as well as knocking on doors to get out the vote—it keeps her challenged and civically engaged. She also does pro bono consulting and a fair amount of writing and editing work for family and friends to stay sharp!

Pros/Cons: “I love being my own boss and getting to pursue work that interests me for causes I believe in. The variety of projects you get in client-based business is also pretty terrific. The main downside is that you're pretty much always hustling for the next gig, and there are no income guarantees.”

Advice: “Learn as much as you can about as much as you can! Drill down on the areas you're particularly interested in, but one of the beautiful things about working in communications is that you can often cover a lot of subject matter and skill sets, so it pays to be prepared.. You'll also stay constantly challenged and excited.”