Communication Career - “Director of Communications”

Nate Rowan is the Director of Communications for the Rochester Red Wings. Visit their website at

Nate Rowan is the Director of Communications for the Rochester Red Wings. Visit their website at

Job Description: As Director of Communications, Nate is in charge of all internal and external communications for the Rochester Red Wings, a Triple-A baseball team in Rochester, NY. Nate keeps our local media informed with everything about the team, including promotional items and story ideas involving players, coaches, or front office staff. This includes traditional press releases, some social media and website, and a daily game notes package produced during the season with statistical and biographical information about our players and how the team is doing on the field. The game notes benefit broadcasters of both teams and keeps local media updated, especially when the team goes on the road. He also coordinates our player appearances in the community.

Education Level: B.A. in Print Journalism & Communications, Concordia College-Moorhead.

Other Requirements: “I would say there isn’t a specific number of years or opportunities for my position but it would be extremely difficult to do my job straight out of college without any internship or part-time experience. The behind-the-scenes things can only be learned through experience.”

Professional Development: “I interned or was a part-time assistant 7 times before landing a full-time job. I also worked in the Athletic Communications office at school to gain as much experience as I could. I tried as many things as I could before I figured out what I wanted to do and they all helped me reach where I am today.”

Pros/Cons: “I love showing up to a ballpark for work every day, a place that many use as an entertainment outlet. Being able to connect with the players and trying to get to know them and tell their story when appropriate is amazing. Many times these stories are beneficial when the player gets called up for the first time. I loved sports growing up and it’s surreal to think that I get paid to work for a team. I tell people that even my worst days of work are still pretty good. Having said that, the hours of working for a minor league team can be difficult, especially for those with families. It’s not impossible but it’s a tough situation if your loved ones don’t understand the dedication it takes to succeed in a role like mine. Burn out can be a real thing if you’re not careful so it’s important to have a solid support system to hold you up during those times.”

Advice: “Be you and understand that your timeline may vary from your peers. Some people get hired for positions right out of college or after 1 internship. Some, like me, take a lot longer. For the longest time I was convinced I wouldn’t get a full-time opportunity. Things worked out and now I couldn’t be happier. Hard work pays off, you just have to believe in yourself and the opportunities will present themselves. Internships are the best way to get a foot in the door. Those experiences will either show you this is what you want to pursue or maybe it isn’t and that’s OK. Learning that you do not want to pursue a career path or be in a certain industry can in some cases be as beneficial as finding something you love doing.”